Monday, November 21, 2011

Fake and practically free home-made Febreze? Yes please

It's a gloomy and rainy day here in Dallas today so I spent some time searching the web for DIY household items and came across one of my all time favorites! Febreze!!! I thought to myself... how the hell would someone make febreze and actually have it work right? Well from what I've read it works really well and am going to try it out as soon as I get back to my home to Minnesota. My boyfriend used to make fun of me years ago for being obsessed with Febreze but it adds up if you use it often...and with pups, it comes in handy for sure!!

So here's the recipe and ya'll let me know if you make it and how works then I'll do the same when I make it!

            For a regular 32 ounce bottle

-1/8 Cup of Your Favorite Fabric Softener
-2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
-Hot Tap Water - To Fill the Bottle to the Top

Shake well in the bottle once you've got all of the ingredients in
then go fight those nasty pup odors!

Faked out Febreze cost: Fake Febreeze- less than $0.20 for 1oz fabric softner (of your choice)

Total Faked out Cost: $0.20 Each- Compare to Actual Febreze (give or take $6.00) NO THANKS!

Total Faked Savings:  $5.60 each


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